Dehydrated banana for the industry: unmatched flavor
unmatched flavor

The banana is our flagship and has vantages that make its application much easier! With us, you have dehydrated bananas for the industry with the guarantee of flavor and convenience in the application!

Production process

All the taste and quality of our bananas are only possible because of the careful production process we make a point of driving. Each step is carefully conducted, making all the difference in the result and making the dehydrated banana the ideal choice for your application.

ilustração de bananeira

1. Banana crops

Our banana comes from local producers in the countryside of Santa Catarina.

ilustração de cacho de banana verde

2. Harvest and selection

The producer carefully cuts the banana still green, our partners collect and take them to the packaging centers, where the fruit is placed in boxes provided by us. We use even those fruits that, by small details, do not go to the shelves of supermarkets, but that certainly have all the flavor and freshness.

ilustração de cacho de banana maduro

3. Maturation

The boxes of bananas are placed in a maturation chamber, so that, through automation, they reach the ideal point for production and reach the flavor that only Polpa Brasil has.

ilustração de banana sendo descascada

4. Peel

Each banana processed by us passes through the careful hands of a person, ensuring that the fruit is not damaged during the peeling process.

ilustração de banana picada

5. Processing

Bananas are manually accommodated in trays so that they are not crushed or beaten. They are then placed in cars that go through an 18-hour drying process at low temperatures to ensure that the fruit retains its original characteristics and gets our unique flavor.

What are the key benefits of the Banana Line?

Working with state-of-the-art technology and qualified processes makes all the difference, but they are not the only advantages that Polpa Brasil offers when it comes to dehydrated bananas. Check out the others!

Shelf Life of 12 months.

Convenient for several applications

Low waste in the production process

Clean label: 100% banana!

100% of our banana peel goes to animal feed.


banana em pó


barra de banana em pasta


banana desidratada em flocos


banana desidratada em cubos


Main applications

Bread and bakery

Cakes and Muffins


Pet Food

Breakfast Cereals 

Confectionery and Chocolates

With Polpa Brasil, you don't have to worry about the flavor and quality of dehydrated bananas for food applications. We guarantee it!

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